Monday, September 30, 2019

The Power of One Character Analysis

The close of the school year returns our hero to his beloved Nanny who listens to his tale of torture and who introduces the first flavor of Africa to the western reader; she summons the great Inkosi-Inkosikazi, a medicine man who will cure the boy of the â€Å"night water. † Nanny tells the boy's story with all the eloquence of the great storytellers while Inkosi-Inkosikazi and the others listen. Even our hero is in awe: â€Å"I can tell you one thing, I was mighty impressed that any person, most of all me, could go through such a harrowing experience. 6 All is set for the night; the chickens have been put through their magic, our hero has had his sweet potato, and it is time for him to meet Inkosi-Inkosikazi in his dreams. When this happens, our hero is shown a quiet place to which he can return in times of trouble. He does this later in the book when he feels a crisis. In the morning, the night water problem has been solved and Inkosi-Inkosikazi presents the boy with the s crawniest of the chickens. He is named Granpa Chook. This chapter is significant for several reasons. As an introduction to the bildungsroman style, our hero is situated in a time and a place.His early tribulations are addressed and he is given weapons to deal with them. His ability to think things over is revealed, and the chapter ends with one hurdle overcome and the boy set to begin another year at boarding school. This time, though, he has the magic of Inkosi-Inkosikazi and Granpa Chook, â€Å"the first living creature over which I had held power. † 7 He is learning that there are ways to cope with injustice. Just as he had decided to remain invisible, our hero learns that there is strength inside of him and that he can summon that strength when needed.He is able to find ways to survive the Judge and other oppressors. This gives hope to any reader who has felt himself the underdog. As the novel progresses, our hero's ability to rise to the surface despite how different he is to his companions tells the reader that we are all unique and that the power of each one can overcome daunting odds. The above material should serve as the basis for one class discussion. For each chapter, the teacher should examine what is essential to fuel the discussion. This next portion of the narrative will concentrate on the ransitional points in Peekay's development and the instances in which politics affect his life and environment. The remainder of the first section of Book 1, which will be evaluated through a written assessment (see Appendix C) takes Peekay on a journey to his new home in Barberton. Peekay finishes his time at boarding school where he learns to adapt to the Judge and his â€Å"storm troopers† by doing the Judge's homework in hopes that the older boy will graduate and be out of his life. The Judge has carved a crude swastika on his arm.He agrees to allow Pisskop and Granpa Chook live until he passes math and then says Hitler will surely deal wit h them and they will be dead meat. This plan is altered when Pisskop refuses to eat the turds the Judge forces into his hands and Granpa Chook defecates in the howling Judge's mouth. He and the storm troopers beat the bird to death, leaving our hero to bury and mourn his only companion. The school term ends, the Judge departs, and Mevrou, who, interestingly, also addresses our hero as Pisskop, prepares him for the journey to his new home by brusquely informing him that he will take the train alone.Free from the Judge, yet mourning the loss of Granpa Chook, they set out. When they meet Harry Crown, the Jew who sells them tackies, the man is appalled at the boy's name and suggests â€Å"Peekay† which our hero gratefully accepts. Thus far, Peekay has been loved by his Zulu nanny, despised by his Afrikaner schoolmates and subjected to the cruelties of budding Nazis, and treated kindly by a Jewish storekeeper. The next step involves Mevrou's emotionless parting from the boy when s he consigns him to the care of the railway.Then Peekay meets Hoppie Groenewald with whom he travels and who treats him as an individual and a friend. â€Å"Hoppie Groenewald was to prove to be a passing mentor who would set the next seventeen years of my life on an irrevocable course. He would do so in little more than a day and a night. † 8 He introduces Peekay to boxing and brings him to his match where the boy is put under the care of Big Hettie, an aging, overweight Irish women who literally kills herself with food. She is the subject of her own drama which unfolds in the following chapter. Peekay learns from Hoppie that he is a worthwhile person.He learns that there is a goal in each life and to reach that goal one must focus. The most important piece of information he learns, though, is that the power of one can conquer. The child's mind takes in this crucial information along with his heart's response to the genuine kindness of the first person who seems to care about him since Nanny. To his dismay, he awakens the morning after the fight to find a note from Hoppie who has left the train. It contains the advice, â€Å"first with the head, then with the heart,† 9 which Peekay follows in all his future endeavors.This section of Peekay's journey allows characters from several different backgrounds to make their impressions on the boy. The threat of Hitler is somewhat removed, but the marked inequality in the way different groups of people are treated unfolds. From Peekay's embarrassment at Hoppie Groenewald seeing his circumcised penis and fearing that he will despise him because he is English, to hearing the beautiful Indian lady with the diamond in her tooth referred to as a â€Å"coolie,† Peekay is constantly made aware that people in this society are unrelenting in their notion of social hierarchy.This baffles the boy who sees everyone as the same. But how did he become the egalitarian child who grew into the freedom fighter? His be ginnings show him with a bland and ineffectual mother who has a nervous breakdown and is essentially removed from his life. His nanny is the most important person in his small world. Granpa is kindly but vague. These conditions could account for the boy's acceptance of the blacks in his world, but how does it come about that he also accepts the other disdained groups? While he fears the Judge and his henchmen, he does not profess to despise all other Afrikaners.He takes to Harry Crown and is fascinated by the Indian woman. The key to this acceptance is in his nature as a person and his early experiences. At school he is made into the outcast. For no reason other than his heritage, the boy is punished, humiliated, and threatened with death. He is bewildered, not understanding why he has been singled out this way, yet he does not see his treatment as an injustice in the beginning. His reaction is to try to blend in and remain impervious to the tortures with which he lives.The result o f forcing this under the surface is that he becomes a bed wetter. The interesting point here is the cure; Nanny sets out to cure the boy in the only way she knows how. The acceptance into her culture without question or prejudice enlarges the boy's capacity to understand that all humans are part of the same whole. He communes with Inkosi-Inkosikazi in his dream and is linked to the older man's culture. This early understanding of the interconnection between all people is what allows the boy to incorporate anyone he meets into his world, his space, and his family.The people who do not fit well are individuals who have strayed from the whole, those such as the Judge and Lt. Borman. These people must be dealt with but they are not representative of their entire race and do not engender hatred from Peekay as such; he can discern them as blotches on the whole of humanity and deal with them appropriately. This maturity is what all intelligent people strive for, hoping to assess an individ ual and his actions and not mistake the work of one person as representative of an entire race or ethnic group.Peekay seems to exude the feeling of common brotherhood without consciously striving to communicate it, unlike Pastor Mulvery, who is portrayed as being as sincere as he is intellectually able, yet projecting all of his acquired ideals and dogma in a sickeningly conscious manner. Peekay reflects the world around him. He is everyman and everyman is his brother. Through his actions, Peekay speaks to the world around him and those who inhabit it answer him in kind. Throughout the book there are subtle distinctions between the competing Afrikaners and the English, referred to by the Judge as the â€Å"verdomde rooineks,† or â€Å"damned rednecks. Characters toss off ethnic references and racial epithets as a matter of everyday speech, such as, â€Å"I will tell Hoppie Groenewald you behaved like a proper Boer, a real white man,† 10 and â€Å". . . my mother was always getting splitting headaches because she was a white woman and like Nanny said, it was a very hard thing to be. † 11 Peekay is essentially colorblind. To him, his Nanny is the most important person in the world. His mother is simply the woman who gave birth to him. Without a father, his grandfather is an bsent-minded, distant personage who has little influence on the boy's life. All the figures in Peekay's life at this point, save the Judge, are adults, and it matters little whether they are Zulu, Shangaan, Afrikaner, Jewish, Indian, or â€Å"verdomde rooinek. † To Peekay they are all people, each one an entity to examine and understand; sometimes to fear and sometimes to love. The combination of a child's point of view with the adult narrator's reflection on these memories frames the picture for the reader, creating a universal point of view for global readers of all ages.After the disappointment of finding his mother under the religious spell of Pastor Mulvery, Peekay discovers that Nanny has been sent back to Zululand because she would not forsake her beliefs for the Christian religion. Peekay's life would have been unbearably bleak if he hadn't met Doc. Chapter Nine brings a breath of hope, both intellectual and aesthetic, into Peekay's life. Instead of remaining in the stifling company of his mother and Pastor Mulvery with the â€Å"escaping teeth,† Peekay has found a mind and heart to nurture his own.His loneliness birds are at bay, and he realizes, at age six, that one can be alone but not lonely. In this part of the book, organized Christianity is portrayed as something to be avoided. None of the characters who embrace the Apostolic Faith Mission seems to be very bright. The whole question of what happens in heaven is almost funny, except that the only response to the little white girl's query about whether the blacks will still work for the whites is for Pastor Mulvery to tell her that nobody works in heaven.He sidesteps the entire issue of equality and leans toward the â€Å"separate but equal† stance held in the United States. Doc, in contrast, who is a German citizen and therefore perceived as a threat to society, is the most spiritual character in the book; it is he who unwraps the beauty of the natural world for Peekay. In Courtenay's world, those interested in war and politics are definitely less valuable than those who embrace nature. In the second half of Book 1, Peekay grows from age 6 to 12. His relationship with Doc is the longest and most fruitful of any of his mentors.World War II begins and Doc is imprisoned for being an unregistered German. The injustice spreads as Peekay tries to intervene and is kicked in the jaw and touted as a hero who brought down a suspected traitor. When he comes to in the hospital, his broken jaw wired shut, Peekay is appalled at the report and relies on Mrs. Boxall, his friend and the town librarian, to sort it out and vindicate him. Peekay's observation o f the treatment of the prisoners and the racial prejudice of the prison officials only strengthens his feelings of the necessity for equal rights and education for everyone.He does not think of himself as English; he is South African. Doc accepts his internment graciously, as he is allowed full freedom of movement in the prison and is allowed to have a cactus garden. There is a hierarchy among the prisoners as well. In every collection of humans who must coexist at close quarters there will be some order that emerges or that is imposed. Think of Lord of the Flies or The Admirable Crichton. Power struggles exist among any group of people. Seeing the power that Peekay attains without his seeking it points to the power inside him; the power of one person to make a change.This reinforces the notion that the one who should be held as an example is the one who does not seek power. This is more clearly illustrated in later chapters. The character of Geel Piet could fill an entire book. His relevance to the theme of Peekay's story lies in his role as a symbol of the downtrodden, poor bastard. He has lived a life of crime, but he is not all bad. He has learned to function within the system to accept what he cannot change. His legacy is: Peekay's success, the eight-punch combination, and the music that Doc dedicated to him.Peekay's boxing progresses, his musical abilities, although not masterful, proceed, and his academic career flourishes, due largely to his tutoring by Doc, Mrs. Boxall, and extra help from his teacher, Miss Bornstein, on whom he develops a crush. By the end of Book 1, Peekay has realized the enormity of the inequality of his country. His comprehension has grown from his early fear of Hitler coming to kill him and Granpa Chook to a resolve to continue to fight racial hatred and promote equality for all. The Power of One Character Analysis The close of the school year returns our hero to his beloved Nanny who listens to his tale of torture and who introduces the first flavor of Africa to the western reader; she summons the great Inkosi-Inkosikazi, a medicine man who will cure the boy of the â€Å"night water. † Nanny tells the boy's story with all the eloquence of the great storytellers while Inkosi-Inkosikazi and the others listen. Even our hero is in awe: â€Å"I can tell you one thing, I was mighty impressed that any person, most of all me, could go through such a harrowing experience. 6 All is set for the night; the chickens have been put through their magic, our hero has had his sweet potato, and it is time for him to meet Inkosi-Inkosikazi in his dreams. When this happens, our hero is shown a quiet place to which he can return in times of trouble. He does this later in the book when he feels a crisis. In the morning, the night water problem has been solved and Inkosi-Inkosikazi presents the boy with the s crawniest of the chickens. He is named Granpa Chook. This chapter is significant for several reasons. As an introduction to the bildungsroman style, our hero is situated in a time and a place.His early tribulations are addressed and he is given weapons to deal with them. His ability to think things over is revealed, and the chapter ends with one hurdle overcome and the boy set to begin another year at boarding school. This time, though, he has the magic of Inkosi-Inkosikazi and Granpa Chook, â€Å"the first living creature over which I had held power. † 7 He is learning that there are ways to cope with injustice. Just as he had decided to remain invisible, our hero learns that there is strength inside of him and that he can summon that strength when needed.He is able to find ways to survive the Judge and other oppressors. This gives hope to any reader who has felt himself the underdog. As the novel progresses, our hero's ability to rise to the surface despite how different he is to his companions tells the reader that we are all unique and that the power of each one can overcome daunting odds. The above material should serve as the basis for one class discussion. For each chapter, the teacher should examine what is essential to fuel the discussion. This next portion of the narrative will concentrate on the ransitional points in Peekay's development and the instances in which politics affect his life and environment. The remainder of the first section of Book 1, which will be evaluated through a written assessment (see Appendix C) takes Peekay on a journey to his new home in Barberton. Peekay finishes his time at boarding school where he learns to adapt to the Judge and his â€Å"storm troopers† by doing the Judge's homework in hopes that the older boy will graduate and be out of his life. The Judge has carved a crude swastika on his arm.He agrees to allow Pisskop and Granpa Chook live until he passes math and then says Hitler will surely deal wit h them and they will be dead meat. This plan is altered when Pisskop refuses to eat the turds the Judge forces into his hands and Granpa Chook defecates in the howling Judge's mouth. He and the storm troopers beat the bird to death, leaving our hero to bury and mourn his only companion. The school term ends, the Judge departs, and Mevrou, who, interestingly, also addresses our hero as Pisskop, prepares him for the journey to his new home by brusquely informing him that he will take the train alone.Free from the Judge, yet mourning the loss of Granpa Chook, they set out. When they meet Harry Crown, the Jew who sells them tackies, the man is appalled at the boy's name and suggests â€Å"Peekay† which our hero gratefully accepts. Thus far, Peekay has been loved by his Zulu nanny, despised by his Afrikaner schoolmates and subjected to the cruelties of budding Nazis, and treated kindly by a Jewish storekeeper. The next step involves Mevrou's emotionless parting from the boy when s he consigns him to the care of the railway.Then Peekay meets Hoppie Groenewald with whom he travels and who treats him as an individual and a friend. â€Å"Hoppie Groenewald was to prove to be a passing mentor who would set the next seventeen years of my life on an irrevocable course. He would do so in little more than a day and a night. † 8 He introduces Peekay to boxing and brings him to his match where the boy is put under the care of Big Hettie, an aging, overweight Irish women who literally kills herself with food. She is the subject of her own drama which unfolds in the following chapter. Peekay learns from Hoppie that he is a worthwhile person.He learns that there is a goal in each life and to reach that goal one must focus. The most important piece of information he learns, though, is that the power of one can conquer. The child's mind takes in this crucial information along with his heart's response to the genuine kindness of the first person who seems to care about him since Nanny. To his dismay, he awakens the morning after the fight to find a note from Hoppie who has left the train. It contains the advice, â€Å"first with the head, then with the heart,† 9 which Peekay follows in all his future endeavors.This section of Peekay's journey allows characters from several different backgrounds to make their impressions on the boy. The threat of Hitler is somewhat removed, but the marked inequality in the way different groups of people are treated unfolds. From Peekay's embarrassment at Hoppie Groenewald seeing his circumcised penis and fearing that he will despise him because he is English, to hearing the beautiful Indian lady with the diamond in her tooth referred to as a â€Å"coolie,† Peekay is constantly made aware that people in this society are unrelenting in their notion of social hierarchy.This baffles the boy who sees everyone as the same. But how did he become the egalitarian child who grew into the freedom fighter? His be ginnings show him with a bland and ineffectual mother who has a nervous breakdown and is essentially removed from his life. His nanny is the most important person in his small world. Granpa is kindly but vague. These conditions could account for the boy's acceptance of the blacks in his world, but how does it come about that he also accepts the other disdained groups? While he fears the Judge and his henchmen, he does not profess to despise all other Afrikaners.He takes to Harry Crown and is fascinated by the Indian woman. The key to this acceptance is in his nature as a person and his early experiences. At school he is made into the outcast. For no reason other than his heritage, the boy is punished, humiliated, and threatened with death. He is bewildered, not understanding why he has been singled out this way, yet he does not see his treatment as an injustice in the beginning. His reaction is to try to blend in and remain impervious to the tortures with which he lives.The result o f forcing this under the surface is that he becomes a bed wetter. The interesting point here is the cure; Nanny sets out to cure the boy in the only way she knows how. The acceptance into her culture without question or prejudice enlarges the boy's capacity to understand that all humans are part of the same whole. He communes with Inkosi-Inkosikazi in his dream and is linked to the older man's culture. This early understanding of the interconnection between all people is what allows the boy to incorporate anyone he meets into his world, his space, and his family.The people who do not fit well are individuals who have strayed from the whole, those such as the Judge and Lt. Borman. These people must be dealt with but they are not representative of their entire race and do not engender hatred from Peekay as such; he can discern them as blotches on the whole of humanity and deal with them appropriately. This maturity is what all intelligent people strive for, hoping to assess an individ ual and his actions and not mistake the work of one person as representative of an entire race or ethnic group.Peekay seems to exude the feeling of common brotherhood without consciously striving to communicate it, unlike Pastor Mulvery, who is portrayed as being as sincere as he is intellectually able, yet projecting all of his acquired ideals and dogma in a sickeningly conscious manner. Peekay reflects the world around him. He is everyman and everyman is his brother. Through his actions, Peekay speaks to the world around him and those who inhabit it answer him in kind. Throughout the book there are subtle distinctions between the competing Afrikaners and the English, referred to by the Judge as the â€Å"verdomde rooineks,† or â€Å"damned rednecks. Characters toss off ethnic references and racial epithets as a matter of everyday speech, such as, â€Å"I will tell Hoppie Groenewald you behaved like a proper Boer, a real white man,† 10 and â€Å". . . my mother was always getting splitting headaches because she was a white woman and like Nanny said, it was a very hard thing to be. † 11 Peekay is essentially colorblind. To him, his Nanny is the most important person in the world. His mother is simply the woman who gave birth to him. Without a father, his grandfather is an bsent-minded, distant personage who has little influence on the boy's life. All the figures in Peekay's life at this point, save the Judge, are adults, and it matters little whether they are Zulu, Shangaan, Afrikaner, Jewish, Indian, or â€Å"verdomde rooinek. † To Peekay they are all people, each one an entity to examine and understand; sometimes to fear and sometimes to love. The combination of a child's point of view with the adult narrator's reflection on these memories frames the picture for the reader, creating a universal point of view for global readers of all ages.After the disappointment of finding his mother under the religious spell of Pastor Mulvery, Peekay discovers that Nanny has been sent back to Zululand because she would not forsake her beliefs for the Christian religion. Peekay's life would have been unbearably bleak if he hadn't met Doc. Chapter Nine brings a breath of hope, both intellectual and aesthetic, into Peekay's life. Instead of remaining in the stifling company of his mother and Pastor Mulvery with the â€Å"escaping teeth,† Peekay has found a mind and heart to nurture his own.His loneliness birds are at bay, and he realizes, at age six, that one can be alone but not lonely. In this part of the book, organized Christianity is portrayed as something to be avoided. None of the characters who embrace the Apostolic Faith Mission seems to be very bright. The whole question of what happens in heaven is almost funny, except that the only response to the little white girl's query about whether the blacks will still work for the whites is for Pastor Mulvery to tell her that nobody works in heaven.He sidesteps the entire issue of equality and leans toward the â€Å"separate but equal† stance held in the United States. Doc, in contrast, who is a German citizen and therefore perceived as a threat to society, is the most spiritual character in the book; it is he who unwraps the beauty of the natural world for Peekay. In Courtenay's world, those interested in war and politics are definitely less valuable than those who embrace nature. In the second half of Book 1, Peekay grows from age 6 to 12. His relationship with Doc is the longest and most fruitful of any of his mentors.World War II begins and Doc is imprisoned for being an unregistered German. The injustice spreads as Peekay tries to intervene and is kicked in the jaw and touted as a hero who brought down a suspected traitor. When he comes to in the hospital, his broken jaw wired shut, Peekay is appalled at the report and relies on Mrs. Boxall, his friend and the town librarian, to sort it out and vindicate him. Peekay's observation o f the treatment of the prisoners and the racial prejudice of the prison officials only strengthens his feelings of the necessity for equal rights and education for everyone.He does not think of himself as English; he is South African. Doc accepts his internment graciously, as he is allowed full freedom of movement in the prison and is allowed to have a cactus garden. There is a hierarchy among the prisoners as well. In every collection of humans who must coexist at close quarters there will be some order that emerges or that is imposed. Think of Lord of the Flies or The Admirable Crichton. Power struggles exist among any group of people. Seeing the power that Peekay attains without his seeking it points to the power inside him; the power of one person to make a change.This reinforces the notion that the one who should be held as an example is the one who does not seek power. This is more clearly illustrated in later chapters. The character of Geel Piet could fill an entire book. His relevance to the theme of Peekay's story lies in his role as a symbol of the downtrodden, poor bastard. He has lived a life of crime, but he is not all bad. He has learned to function within the system to accept what he cannot change. His legacy is: Peekay's success, the eight-punch combination, and the music that Doc dedicated to him.Peekay's boxing progresses, his musical abilities, although not masterful, proceed, and his academic career flourishes, due largely to his tutoring by Doc, Mrs. Boxall, and extra help from his teacher, Miss Bornstein, on whom he develops a crush. By the end of Book 1, Peekay has realized the enormity of the inequality of his country. His comprehension has grown from his early fear of Hitler coming to kill him and Granpa Chook to a resolve to continue to fight racial hatred and promote equality for all.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

An International Marketing Management Commerce Essay

International Marketing Management assignment gave me the chance to larn and research on this interesting subject. I have some cognition already about that how companies enter into new markets and how they capture and attract new markets but this chance helped me to cognize more about how companies go globally with the aid of available different market entry schemes and expand their concerns.Part-1Discuss the normally held belief that there is no individual market entry scheme which is appropriate in all fortunes.Different market entry schemes available throughout the universe depend which state you are. There are different methods and processs geographically, the nature of the concern is besides the chief point and particularly the worth and compatibility between two or more involved parties. The celebrated good known market entry scheme regulations are same globally. Companies ever go for different market schemes to come in to new markets it ‘s non possible to follow the same market entry scheme for all concerns and for all organisations. When any company plans to come in in other abroad market there are assortment of options available for companies but it involves really high costs, hazard and takes long clip to detect and take concluding measure to acquire in. The simplest and the traditional entry scheme is exporting utilizing both ways direct or indirect methods such as agent or an intermediary individual. hypertext transfer protocol: // Further below I have mentioned and explained the market entry schemes which are normally followed by organisations to come in to abroad and international markets. There are following schemes largely used by big, SMEs and fabrication companies which are: Licensing Exporting Foreign Direct Investment Joint Venture & A ; Alliances Franchising Mergers & A ; Acquisition Green Field StrategyGreen Field StrategyA green field scheme is to come in into a new market without the aid of another concern who is already at that place. An acquisition is the antonym of a green field entry.ExportingExporting is described as the selling and the gross revenues of local manufactured goods in abroad which is traditional and good cognize established method to capture abroad markets. The advantage is that in exporting it is non required that the specific merchandise must be produced in the mark state, during exporting no foreign investing is required but the disbursals and costs involves for exporting and holding a good concern is that exporter demands to pass on selling.LicensingThe proprietor of any trade name or the company who holds the rights and they give the permission to utilize rights against money in order to selling those different merchandises to the universe by different parties. These sorts of merchandises are largely intangible and non possible to copy by others because of hallmarks, patents and merchandise techniques. The licensee is the individual who pays to acquire rights of utilizing license rights. Licensing is good for licenser and licensee both earns good net incomes but there is hazard for licenser if the licensee does n't maintain the criterions and good quality controls because this will damage the image of trade name.Joint VentureJoint venture is a celebrated term and we have many illustrations in our practical life. It helps companies to turn like one plus one is equal to three. When same nature of concern articulations and work together it assist a batch and opportunities of positive results addition. The aims involved in joint venture are: Market Entry Risk/Reward Sharing Technology Sharing Joint Product Development Skills & A ; cognition sharing Conforming authorities ordinances Few issues are thinkable before go for joint ventures like ownership, contract length, control, pricing, engineering transportation and resources.Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI )Foreign Direct Investment is investing which you can do straight in any state but different things includes before you go for FDI like regulations & A ; ordinances, permissions, transportation of capital, forces and engineering. FDI can go on with the aid of constitution of the new endeavor or may be through the acquisition of an bing entity. Direct ownership helps to hold a good control in the operations, competitory environment and to better cognize the consumers. A good illustration of FDI is Euro Disney when Walt Disney had a challenge to construct Disney park in Europe they chose the foreign direct investing.Mergers & A ; AcquisitionMerger word merely explains the assemblage of something. Mergers is concern word is when different companies manus shingle and promise to work together called amalgamations. One plus one is equal to three, this sentence is rather celebrated in amalgamations state of affairs. It works to make stockholder value over and above that Sun of the two companies. After unifying the worth of both companies is more valuable than two separate entities. There is somewhat difference between amalgamations and acquisition. When a company takes over other company and go a new proprietor it is called as acquisition and when two companies ‘ merges and work together is called amalgamations. A good illustration of meeting is YouTube amalgamations with is a method of utilizing successful available concern theoretical accounts. Franchisor gives permission to Franchisee to utilize the rights of that concern theoretical account. With the aid of that theoretical account franchisee sells and markets the merchandises and services. It ‘s more like to hold distribution of specific hallmark and the franchisee pays in return what services and merchandises they use in their concern. Very good illustrations of franchise in today universe are McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway and New York Pizza. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // Above mentioned different market entry schemes help different concerns to turn but it depends on the nature and size of the concern besides. This is really of import how large or little is the company and how much it deserving. Different types of houses are: Different types of houses constructions fundamentally used which are called, Small & A ; Medium Enterprises, Manufacturing, Services Based, and Multinational corporations or Global houses.Small and Medium EnterprisesSmall and medium endeavors ( SMEs or Small & A ; Medium Buisness ) are the companies who have limited turnover and below certain bounds. This term is widely used in EU and in international organisations such as UN and WTO. This term is predominately used in USA and Canada. Traditionally in EU it was different and they had their ain definitions bit non they have standardized the construct. e.g.. Companies with less than 10 employees called micro, companies holding employees less than 50 called little and 250 employees as medium.Manufacturing FirmManufacturing house can be from any industry which produces merchandises from natural stuffs utilizing labour land, machines and capital. In other manner fabricating house is a company who assembles goods into finished signifier for terminal users to carry through their demands. Fabrication houses can be automotive, vesture, electronics, furniture, machinery, steel, crude oil merchandises and tools etc. hypertext transfer protocol: // Based FirmAny services based house is a concern that provides installations and work attempts for the others and charges them for these services and most of the times the services based houses provides their services harmonizing to contract footings. Netherlands is the really good illustration of supplying services, they supplying their accomplishments and techniques worldwide. hypertext transfer protocol: // CorporationsMultinational Corporation is a house that has its installations, operations and assets in at least one state other than its place state. This type of house has offices and mills in different parts of the universe. One caput office in center of all and from their control and instruct planetary direction. Above I have explained and mentioned besides when its utile to utilize which market entry scheme and for what type of an organisation. But there is something else besides really considerable issue like before come ining to any market demand to mensurate degree of hazards, political hazard, fiscal, civilization factors and geographic distance. Plague is used to mensurate different hazards and larn how its possible to get by that hazards. But I have used a revised version called PESTLE analysis which is more suited in this instance:PESTLE AnalysisPESTLE stands for â€Å" Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental † factors. Its utile tool to understand the state of affairs of any market and larn good before you step in to that market it helps to hold a clear position for your concern. The possible inquiries for any house are: What are the cardinal political factors likely to impact the industry? What are the of import economic factors? What cultural facets are most of import? What technological inventions are likely to happen? What current and at hand statute law may impact the industry? What are the environmental considerations?AAPoliticalCurrent revenue enhancement policy Future revenue enhancement policy The current and future political support Grants, support and enterprises Trade organic structures Consequence of wars or declining dealingss with peculiar statesEconomicOverall economic state of affairs Strength of consumer disbursement Current and future degrees of authorities disbursement Ease of entree to loans Current and future degree of involvement rates, rising prices and unemployment Specific revenue enhancement policies and tendencies Exchange ratesSociologicalDemographics Lifestyle forms and alterations Attitudes towards issues such as instruction, corporate duty and the environment Social mobility Media positions and perceptual experiences Cultural and spiritual differencesTechnologicalRelevant current and future engineering inventions The degree of research support The ways in which consumers make purchases Intellectual belongings rights and right of first publication violations Global communicating technological progresssLegalLegislation in countries such as employment, competition and wellness & A ; safety Future statute law alterations Changes in European jurisprudence Trading policies Regulative organic structuresEnvironmentalThe degree of pollution created by the merchandise or service Recycling considerations Attitudes to the environment from the authorities, media and consumers Current and future environmental legislative alterations hypertext transfer protocol: // is the common method of come ining services markets abroad. What is the particular attractive force of International franchising to both spouses? What is franchising? Franchising is a signifier of entrepreneurship. Harmonizing to Shane and Hoy ( 1996, p 325 ) there have been surveies about entrepreneurship, but the country of franchising has stayed rather undiscovered. There are many things that make franchising particular compared to other signifiers of entrepreneurship. Franchising can be described as a strategic cooperation between two parts – the franchiser and the franchisee. They are runing under the same company name every bit good as utilizing an indistinguishable concern thought and a concern construct. The franchiser is the chief proprietor of the concern construct and the company name and licences the right of utilizing these further to the franchisee against certain fees and royalties. The franchiser normally has a contract with several franchisees at the same clip. ( Shane and Hoy, 1996, p 325 & A ; 326 ) . Franchising is a popular concern format in the retail concern ( Kaufmann and Dant, 1999, p 11 ) . In 2003, 43 per centum of all franchising activities in Finland took topographic point in retail concern ( see figure 1 on the following page ) . This is 76 per centum of the registered franchising ironss wholly. ( The Finish Franchising Association, 7.7.2006 ) Franchising can be really attractive to franchisees since many franchisi ng companies offer and even necessitate much cooperation along the manner. In comparing to a pure entrepreneurship, with franchising relationship the new franchisee is provided with a complete and tried concern thought, established hallmark and aid with startup. In add-on, the franchisee gets supplier price reductions every bit good as support from experienced subdivision and market experts through a web of other franchisees and company employees. ( Franchisenet, 7.7.2006 ) This said, the franchisee gets multiple competitory advantages compared to pure enterprisers on the concern ( Kaufmann and Dant, 1999, P 1112 ) . For the licensee, the negative side of franchising is that the franchisee is bind to obey the general understanding, which is normally really rigorous. Therefore the franchisee has an highly limited freedom to run. ( Franchisenet, 7.7.2006 ) For the franchisee the relation can be said to be something between a regular payjob and pure entrepreneurship and is frequently a measure in passage from the former to the latter. Franchising is a manner to pattern entrepreneurship. In a franchising relationship the franchisee is the proprietor of his ain concern but is still connected to a bigger organisation and being supervised. It has to be noted, though, that the franchisee is the one bearing the fiscal hazards of the concern. However, since franchising companies normally select their franchisees carefully the hazard for neglecting in this concern is less important than in the pure entrepreneurship. ( Kaufmann and Dant, 1999 ) More information about franchising and franchising chances can be found in following web pages:, and Professionals of Franchising, how it helps franchisee to derive capital and how it allows houses to spread out fundamentally utilizing the possible franchisees ain capital.Opportunities of SuccessThe opportunities of success are high when you are holding franchise sort of concern because you do concern of that merchandises and services which are worldwide celebrated, proven and recognized. Its easy to see how successful franchising and this sort of concern are ever expand and turn really fast, franchising usher you through the whole procedure of concern and usher you with their experiences and makes you successful besides by independent concern. In short in franchising the opportunities of success are ever high.Avoid Start up MistakesFranchising helps you and do really easy to star up your franchise, this is truly helpful and salvage you from initial which largely happen when you start new concern. But while franchising the experts already experienced that sort of hurdlings so they k now really good how to salvage your ego from loses and hazard while get downing new concern at new location.Brand AwarenessThis is the large great impact for you when you buy any constituted local, national, international or planetary trade name, you do n't necessitate to make selling battles because people are already cognizant of that brands gustatory sensation and cognize good the value. Franchisee enjoys the name acknowledgment and the big familiar company associated with you.Product and Service AcceptanceFranchise contains standard merchandises and provides the same criterion merchandises to their all franchisees ; due to the extremely established standard the merchandises are extremely acceptable. This is a large benefit of client consciousness which usually takes ling clip to construct this sort of trust for your clients.Mugwump but non entirelyTo be franchise proprietor is a great thing because you do n't necessitate to worry that much, you work hard but on the other manus t he franchisor squad helps you a batch to construct your concern strong. You get fiscal security for your household, earn more money and all is yours after paying other costs. This franchising web reduces your hazard and allows you to bask the success of that clip what you have word hard.Training and SupportFranchisor provides besides different preparation Sessionss and different sort of support at each measure where you face any job. These preparation and support helps to be successful in your concern and salvage you in future signifier dearly-won errors and cut down hazards for you at all degrees.Peer to peer networkingPeer to peer networking give you entree to the web of concern proprietors who are in the same concern and have experienced and sing the state of affairs which you might confront besides. So this networking helps each others how to acquire rid from different difficult times and jobs. Its great advantage and invaluable chance for proprietors.Buying PowerIt involves the economic systems of graduated table the franchisor maintain criterion and purchase merchandises from good known and trusted provider where they can answer they will hold the same gustatory sensation and size of merchandises ever. The franchisor ever have good and high degree relationships with providers and providers besides cares a batch because of holding large purchasers for their merchandises. In the same manner the franchisor provides the good value of goods to their franchises and clients.Ongoing DevelopmentDevelopment in any concern is really of import otherwise companies do n't last for long clip. Better criterions, working conditions ; add new engineerings and accomplishments are really of import. Another advantage for the franchisee is that franchisor provides the costs for these sort of developments and seek their best with the aid of their development squads to procure the hereafter of the concern. It a large support for single and these supports are really supportive a nd sufficient to merchandise development.Fiscal SupportIf fiscal support is needed and you are in concern with a recognized and good cognize franchisor it will assist you to acquire finance really easy. Because the loaners believe that you are linked with a good web concern and they can trust and experience less hazard to impart money if the concern is a portion of the well structured concern theoretical account and system.Company Wide ConnectionsIf you clients demands occupation and you are non able to supply or assist so there are still possibilities to utilize your franchises web and that will assist you to happen the needed demands. They try their best to assist you and happen similar concern for you.Individual Roles with Common GoalsEvery concern major jail is net income if there is non net income than no concern besides. Franchisees aim is to run a profitable concern and grow with seeable alterations and back up the franchisor concern systems and to give more value to trade na me. Oppositely franchisor has to give a healthy leading and clear ends to assist franchisees to turn and protect the trade name. This common apprehension and aid physiques trade name stronger.Deriving a Competitive EdgeBusiness gets competitory border with the aid of sharing resources, accomplishments and cognition.Selling your BusinessFirst there are really few opportunities that a franchisee would wish to sell because they want to lose a fixed sort net incomes and a good concern. But sometimes it happens proprietors came in fiscal job and decided to sell. Whenever you decide to sell a franchise it is attractive and likely to sell really fast at higher monetary value.Working together is Smart and FunWorking together in squads and with common apprehension is great and large merriment besides. Franchise provides people chance and opportunities to run their egos independently. Gives more bravery and experience free to work and utilize their divine ideas. This is because of the big org anisation regulations criterions and good relation of employees. Some disadvantages of franchising and hazard involved for franchisee.To follow a systemAll Franchises have their ain concern theoretical accounts and they operate and require their franchisees besides to follow the the same concern theoretical account in all state of affairs and there is no flexibleness in that instance. If person found pretermiting the regulation and ordinances of that theoretical account they will penalized. The processs, regulations and ordinances vary between franchise concerns.FeesThe franchise is bound to pay for the initial colony and franchise fees, preparation, selling and other costs which incurred during puting up new franchise.Trading AreaBefore you get settled franchises the franchisee provide a feasibleness study and inquire for the permission to hold concern at coveted country or location. If they accept so you can continue farther otherwise you need to subject a new location program.RestrictionsMany limitations involved besides which bound the franchi see to take different actions. Franchisee non allowed to purchase merchandises or services from any station, there is listed and recognized provider which you can utilize to purchase needed merchandises. You can non sell straight your concern you need a permission of franchisor and so you can take farther stairss to sell your concern.ControlsYou need to command on regular bases and the squad of from franchisor is sent on a regular basis besides for controls. If they found any irresponsibility and lack you can be in large job and it non acceptable at any cost because this sort of sloppiness amendss the trade name image and concern. Franchising is spread outing rapidly in developing states besides and it ‘s good to both parties. It provided occupations and the trade names proprietors gaining money and turning their name worldwide. There are some hazards involved besides for investors and the trade name proprietors which I described above. Franchises get engineering, accomplishments and concern transportation in their states and it helps to better state economic system. The local concern attempt to copy that concern theoretical account but they are non allowed to make 100 per centum but still they do it increase competition but still the universe recognised trade names have more penchant among clients that why franchisee take hazard of investing.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Finance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Finance - Term Paper Example The equity finance is an expensive and exclusive method for raising capital in the business and it comprises of ordinary and preference shareholdings, bonds and floating market shares. It also includes a listing cost and legal paper work, potential shareholders and raises wider opportunity for pool of finance (Slee, 2011). The difference in usage of appropriate financial capital structure is the selection of Leverage the business can be adhered to. It signifies the impact of debt in the company’s capital structure e.g. long-term bonds for 5 to 8 years and their impact on company’s profitability and earning stream (Khan et al., 2005). If the debt ratio is higher in good economic terms than it will also improve the required rate of return and return on equity of the business, similarly, if the debt ratio is higher in terms of recession than it creates a significance risk to the business operations and its sustainable future (Slee, 2011). According to the conventional theory of Modigliani and Miller (1985), in a perfect world the mix of debt and equity does not matter when economic terms and corporate taxes are assumed to be constant. It also suggested that value of the firm is independent of the financial capital structures and overall operating cost (Cox, 2011). It further argued that if the benefit is obtained due to low cost debt then it could be offset against the cost of equity borrowing that will be considerably higher than the debt finance. It also suggested that the cost of capital remains the same irrespective of the appropriate mix between debt and equity. It can be argued that value of the business and cost of capital will remain constant in a tax-free world e.g. United Arab Emirates (Slee, 2011). Debt financing is bind by obligations to pay interest and principal amounts and failure to meet the payment may result in serious risk to the business and in further case negative impact on the value of firm such as Bankruptcy (Khan et al., 2005). It can also be argued that as compared to the conventional theory if the business’s debt structure is higher than the equity portion, it might result in increased risk of higher interest payments and probable bankruptcy as well. It will also increase the cost of capital for the bondholders thus also indicating a highly geared business. It is suggested that to create an optimal mix of debt and equity structure, the margin level of gearing should be equal or does not outwei gh the probability of bankruptcy cost to the business (Ross et al., 2004). There are various debts to equity and debt ratio for industries and their risk level incorporating their business. The volatile industries like steel, cement, energy might adhere to higher debt ratio as compared

Friday, September 27, 2019

Please write a short report on the strategy and organization of Assignment

Please write a short report on the strategy and organization of Hutchison Whampoa Ltd - Assignment Example The Company, Hutchison Whampoa Limited, was founded in the year 1861 in Hong Kong; in the year 1880, the then John Hutchison developed Hutchison International with the soul purpose of importing wholesale products basically for consumption. Later, in the year 1960’s the Company gained a great interest in the A.S Watson which was a major dealer in operating drug stores as well as supermarkets (Leung 2002). Additionally, in the late 1977’s, the Company acquired some of the remaining stokes that were left in Whampoa Dock and incorporated into Hutchison to develop the Current Hutchison Whampoa Limited Company. In the year, 1978, the Company made its operations public and listed its shares in the Hong Kong business stock exchange (Leung 2002). Hutchison Whampoa Limited is an extensive conglomerate located in the City of Hong Kong; it majorly deals with provision of real estate, infrastructure service provision, manufacturing of various consumer products, retail services as well as energy service provision and telecommunication services (Leung 2002). Currently, it offers various services in fifty four countries with its main head offices located in Hong Kong. It major are goals are inclusive of; the provision of advanced technologies to the society through enhanced opportunities in research and innovation and the promotion of accountability, quality and responsibility in service provision. The modus operandi of the Hutchison Whampoa Limited basically relies on its strength from diverse modes of service provision together with the fact that, it offers services that covers an extensive geographical location. To begin with, its major strategic facet of operation emerges from the fact that it is a conglomerate. In 1977, it merged with the then Whampoa Dock Company, a scenario that led to the increase of its market share (expanded it operation). This has led to the increase of its competitive advantage owing to the fact that it offers a wide

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Aggressive Unilateralism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Aggressive Unilateralism - Essay Example This essay stresses that the insistence of the US to open markets in the name of â€Å"fair trade† poses dangers to the world trading system, â€Å"for if everything becomes a question of fair trade, the only outcome will be to remove, altogether, the possibility of ever agreeing to a rule-oriented trading system†. The danger starts itself from imposing conditions of what constitutes free trade and yet, not giving other countries the right to define what fair trade is. â€Å"Fairness† is a value-laden concept and more qualitative, rather than say, the concept of efficiency, which is easier to define and can be easily quantified. Moreover, even the American pride in its market openness that it places before the world for emulation by other countries – cannot be absolutely used as standard, as every country is unique in its structural make-up that has bearing on its economy and trade practices. This report makes a conclusion that the international trading system not only operates under free-market assumptions but more importantly, its very purpose through inception of the WTO is to erect legally binding trade agreements that would apply to every member state. The policy of aggressive unilateralism as practiced by the United States makes use of brute political power that circumvents the legality of the global trading system. In slamming this policy as GATT/WTO-illegal, Bhagwati writes, â€Å"honoring a treaty commitment is to reaffirm one’s respects for orderly procedures and the rule of law in dealing with nation states†.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

(the topic of your choice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

(the topic of your choice) - Essay Example This is a complex term which takes on a variety of implications, but can be most accurately understood as a story blending magical elements with an otherwise realistic narrative. Through an examination of Marquez’ ‘A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings,’ this essay contextualizes this understanding of magic realism. One recognizes that Marquez fuses magical and realistic elements into this text from the very opening sections. In this way, Marquez begins the narrative through a number of realistic descriptive patterns, before implementing a magical element in his description of the old man. In this way Marquez writes, â€Å"He had to go very close to see that it was an old man, a very old man, lying face down in the mud, who, in spite of his tremendous efforts, couldn't get up, impeded by his enormous wings† (Marquez). In this way, Marquez situates an element of magical realism at the story’s very core through the characterization of the titular characte r. A notable aspect of the old man is the way that the other characters interact with this man. Marquez indicates that at first they express astonishment at his condition, but then come to feel comfortable around him. Rather than simply recognizing the man as an individual with wings, they attempt to use their best worldly reasoning to make sense of the situation. As such, the man is determined to be an angel. It seems then that an aspect of magical realism is that the magical elements retain a slight dissonance from the realistic perspectives of the rest of the narrative. As the story progresses, Marquez seamlessly interweaves other magical realist elements into the plot. It is not long before a carnival emerges wherein on-lookers revel at the man. During this period, a man with bat wings flies overhead, but nobody pays attention to him because he does not have angel wings. Later in the story, a woman who has changed into a spider appears. Because of the tragic components of this w oman’s story, as well as her cheaper admission price, she quickly dwarfs the old man in terms of attention. In this instance, Marquez is making a further ironic statement on the nature of the magical elements; namely, it is the shock of the new that has intrigued the crowd, not so much the ‘magical’ component itself. Again, one witnesses that while the magic element is a major aspect of this literary technique, it is the realistic reaction to these magical elements which more fully encapsulates the use of magical realism as a literary technique. Another aspect of magical realism appears to be the gradual integration of the magical element into the real world. In terms of the old man, this is witnessed as he becomes accepted by Pelayo and Elisenda. This acceptance then is extended to the villagers, as they tire of his act. Finally, Marquez depicts the man as physiologically integrating into the fabric of human existence. Referring to the doctor’s perception of the man’s wings, Marquez writes, â€Å"They seemed so natural on that completely human organism that he couldn't understand why other men didn't have them too† (Marquez). In this section, Marquez additionally describes the old man in human terms, with the dragging of the wing’s potentially representing a metaphor of the old man’s life. While the angel flies away at the end, it seems that this can be a further metaphor on death. In conclusion, this essay has examined Gabriel Garcia Marquez ‘

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Postmodernity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Postmodernity - Essay Example Talk about religion, culture, art and even technology and you are certainly confronted with both fundamentalists and a new wave of thinkers who will normally feel that postmodernism should be the accepted way of life (Anderson 2003). Well, it then begs the analysis of the whole concept of postmodernism to clearly see its true connotation and to draw lines between the term and the conventional modernism. Modernism, contrary to popular knowledge, has been in existence since somewhere in the late 17th or early 18th centuries (Chan, 2008). It is a period that radically transformed all manner of life in science, art, religion, culture etc. The ideas and thoughts propounded by postmodernists are normally subjects of much analysis. This arises out of the true nature of postmodernism. It has normally been seen that postmodernists are driven by that ultimate opposition and antipathy towards modernism. Whatever is conventional in the mindset of the modernist is therefore what the postmodernist seeks to prove wrong and nullify as old and traditional (Deely, 2001). A more recent trend seen is where postmodern fundamentalists have been constantly attacking and questioning some of the most celebrated knowledge in academic and professional realms (Eagleton, 2000). As a very special characteristic, postmodernism fundamentally relies on the voice of reason and the ability to inspire change through the avoidance of the bandwagon effect where humanity simply borrow from their past without much thought or ability to think and analyze what is good for them. With modernism, humanity evidenced the development of the Enlightenment era in which reason was used to establish fundamental truths about the world (Docherty, 2003). These truths have gradually been developed and have guided life for the past few centuries. Well, it has to be realized that postmoderns are normally against such guiding principles. To them, the concepts of morality and ethics, which are normally considered univer sal, are merely subjects of personal and subjective decision. In several instances, it can be seen that postmodernity tries to bridge the gap that is normally left with the flaws of modernism. In a critical perspective, postmodernism is not simply a way of life. On the contrary, the word is simply meant to address a wide range of social, economic, cultural and political changes that have lately inundated the world. It is the modernistic way of life supplemented with modern technology, globalization, individualism, feminism and multiculturalism (Gidders, 1999). On the cultural perspective, the move towards ethnic pluralism and relativism has made people to nostalgically think about their past cultures and what has been lost over time. Indeed much has been lost. On the social scale, the digital age has made the flow of information across the world as easy as possible. This has radically transformed lifestyles across many areas as new ways of life are adopted. Postmodernity encompasses that timeframe between the early 1980s to the present. It is a period that saw the emergence of a new economy-the postindustrial, which effectively replaced the earlier forms of life like aristocracy, working class and middle class (Zygmunt, 2000). Much of this era is however defined by the emergence of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Will Hourly Rounds Decrease Patient Falls Research Paper

Will Hourly Rounds Decrease Patient Falls - Research Paper Example It has attempted to over all the key elements of the assignment in a substantive way with accuracy and persuasiveness. The paper has used Lewin Theory as an implementation guide. Plan for implementing the proposed solution: The main focus of the plan is to incorporate a system of regular hourly rounds by nurses, as a solution to decrease patient falls in the hospital. For this, the first step is careful planning for which it is necessary to ascertain the following: 1. The number of patients visiting the hospital on an average. 2. The number of nurses in the hospital. 3. The number of physicians in a hospital. 4. The number of nurses as assistant to the physicians. 5. The average period a patient visits the hospital. Developing a plan involves careful evaluation and organizing. Appropriate staffing procedures also need to be adopted for getting the plan executed. Such a plan is highly crucial in implementing the proposed solution. The main aim of a nurse is to decrease patient falls i n the hospital and to provide proper assistance and care to them for their recovery from illness. The goals of nurses also include helping individuals â€Å"to maintain their health so they can function in their roles† (Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment, 2011, para. 13). ... 10 nurses should be able to handle 25 patients. The plan is to implement a rotation basis system so that 20 nurses cater to 50 patients and administer them on the basis of the guidance and supported provided by physicians. Plan for monitoring the implementation of the solution: In order to implement the solution of a rotational arrangement of nurses so as to extend each patient the advantage of the hourly round system it is very important to monitor the situation that exists in the hospital and to plan the visits accordingly. â€Å"An important part of plan implementation is monitoring, which is taking periodic looks at â€Å"how it's going† in Implementing the plan† (Training Course on Decentralized Education Planning in the Context Public Sector Reform, 2007, p. 2). Proper staffing pattern activities are essential to develop productive human asset in the hospital so that the hospital can provide utmost care and security to its patients. Each nurse’s on job comm itment is assessed through the number of patient falls under her tenure. Month-wise assessment should be made in order to assess the efficiency of nurses. In the months where both the fall prevalence and the nursing hours are the same, it implies that the nursing care in these months is not enough. In the months where occurrence of falls is more than average these needs to be balanced with appropriate nursing care hours. When there is a wide difference between the falls prevalence and the nursing hours per day and there is less falls it implies that nursing care hours are higher than the prevalence of falls. Such a plan needs to be implemented for the purpose of monitoring of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Enterprise Strategy Essay Example for Free

Enterprise Strategy Essay This type of business structure that is E-business is more common in the developed countries than in third class countries; to sell products customers in the comfort of their homes is widespread in these countries, so Forejustin Passman the founder and general manager plans to make widespread this type of business even in a developing country, Botswana. 1. 0 THE entrepreneur 1. 1 The motivation for starting the business Pull factors are exploiting opportunity and a financial incentive whilst the push factor that led him to open the business was threat of unemployment. The pull factors He was pulled into this business because he wanted to exploit an opportunity to sell gadgets such as tablets i. e. Apple’s Ipads, Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes amp;Nobles’ the nook. Consequently he decided to open Group Little, a predominantly virtual company, having little physical presence and high internet presence. After a market research he realised that most gadget stores in Botswana undermine internet trading and he decided to exploit this opportunity. Citing most gadget stores are set up according to a strategy and are purposely designed to make customer experience as pleasant as possible but their websites normally do not have a similar strategy applied to them, as the sites are normally a glorified business card that does not engage visitors and in some cases even harm the business image. Mr Passman was also pulled to gain financial incentive he paid meticulous attention to primary research in order to weigh the benefits, the cost and opportunities of his approach. The push factors The threat of unemployment is the only push factor that influenced Forejustin to start his business. At age 18 he performed poorly in his A-level results which caused him to fail to pursue a business degree at university, other than compromising and pursuing other degree programmes that he lacked interest in he decided to re-sit some examinations. Whilst in wait for examination results he did not want to be considered to be part of the unemployed so he started his company Group Little. 1. 2 Forejustin Passman’s character traits Proactive- he is one of the few people who do not believe in luck, he seeks after opportunities other than wait for them to present themselves to him. He is also quick and decisive, when faced with the dilemma of whether to go into just conventional retailing he decided and to have the virtual retailing, where he has limited physical presence and a fully-fledged internet presence. His logic behind such a decision being that the internet is a necessary portal for success in the 21st century business and beyond. He is regarded by some a restless while he considers himself easily bored because as he says he is easily diverted to the most recent market opportunity. He is especially known as a man who acts and then learns from the outcomes of his action, and thus far his upbeat approach has worked positively to advance the company. Visionary- Mr Passman has and had a clear vision for Group Little; for it to become a household name in virtual companies of Africa and to be an expert in Africa’s virtual market space. He wants Group Little to be benchmarked by any international company exploring to invest in the virtual market place of Africa. Now this visionary flair has positioned him to be always at the right place at the right time and being able snatch opportunities within his vision. 1. MR Passman’s personality type Mr Forejustin Passman is certainly spontaneous. Spontaneous because most of the things he does, he does instinctively. This matches positively with his proactive character trait mentioned previously in section 1. 2. He is a creative, lively and open-minded person. His humorous nature disposes a contagious zest for lif e. Forejustin’s enthusiasm and sparkling energy inspires the team to work harder, his strengths therefore are creative problem solutions, discovering new ways and opportunities, the conceptualization of new ideas on one hand, but not so much his concrete implementation on the other. To compensate for this weakness he has staff of capable colleagues that takes over his concepts and runs with them. Spontaneous is the best classification of Mr Passman, other than classifying him as an introvert or extrovert which is a widely used approach of personality type definition, which in some cases is limiting to define peculiar individuals as Mr Forejustin Passman. 1. 4 Decision making and leadership style Decision making style Forejustin Passman’s decision making style is conceptual. He has high tolerance for ambiguity in that even when he was not sure how Batswana will respond to an e-business he still went on decided to do what he planned. He has a broad outlook in business, with the resident of truth being not enough Batswana are connected to internet currently, he deemed it fit to go ahead because most industries around the world are adopting e-business and even though Botswana is still lagging behind the time is eminent for her as well to join in. His conceptual decision making style is also evident in that he has found a creative way to solve the local problem of segregated demand and supply. Where people in difficult to reach areas have a high quantity demand of some products from businesses yet they cannot reach those businesses to be supplied with what they demand, so he decided the customers will shop in the comfort of their own far away home and he will deliver the products to them. 1. 5 Leadership style Laissez-faire style, he is a leader who has consciously made a decision to pass focus of power to the outsourced employees. He considered since the workforce is already talented and qualified to do the job they must be able to positively exercise judgement to respond to issues. Mr Passman simply sets out the targets and deadlines afterwards he charges the taskforce to do the work that is at hand, he is not very interested in how they do the job he just wants the work to be done in due time. Some have criticised his type of leadership saying he is risking the success of his business by delegating power the employees but according to him this type of environment breeds creativity, and that is what he wants from his team, creative ways to solve problems, which is a direct match to his decision making style he wants them to think like him. 1. 6 Mr Forejustin Passman’s role within the business Forejustin oversees the review of Group Little’s corporate strategy, looks for market opportunities, acquires strategic assets and protects Group Little’s existing competencies. As this organisation is relatively small, Forejustin has adopted this multidisciplinary role. His acquisition of strategic assets is done in order to solidify their position in the market, he cites sometimes organic growth is too slow for the company’s vision therefore acquisition of some assets provides an impetus to desired growth. The staff The majority of his staff is outsourced, the employees are highly knowledgeable about internet business. Being a cheerful entrepreneur he advocates for a cheerful workforce because he believes if employees are happy that drives up productivity which in turn brings healthier profit margins. 1. 7 Entrepreneurial networking Forejustin’s decision to effectively network sprung up in the beginning stages of his business, he wanted a trademark for Group Little and he just happened to remember months earlier he sent his broken computer to some young technicians; one of them named Kabelo had recently graduated from a creative arts university of Limkokwing where he studied graphic designing. He had saved his contacts in case he needed computer help but his contact wound up birthing more than just computer solutions but also a trademark for his business. This was a highlight to Forejustin that networking especially informal networking is a tool for success, his response; * He strikes conversations with strangers, to get any bit of information he can, exchanges contacts with such an individual and then regularly contact that individual until they establish a network that can provide him relevant business information, advice and support services. Chats with movers and shakers of different industries in order to get some referrals and leads. Mr Passman’s formal networks In this the entrepreneur is lacking. He has not signed up to any formal network which means his chances for collaborative opportunities with others are diminished. It is highly unlikely for him to form new business relationships and lastly it is slow to solve problems because there is no access to a si gnificant number of possible solution providers as emphasised by Kay (2010). His professed inhibitors to formal networking are high membership fees of some formal arrangements. He also attributed inflexible structured timetable for some of these formal networks as a major impediment for him join as he prefers groups that are open where he can come on casual ‘drop in’ basis. But considerations are still being made to join the Diamond Trading Company (DTC) network an outlet that informs and organizes exhibitions for small enterprises. 1. 8 Innovation There a certain drivers of innovation that prompted Forejustin Passman to pursue e-business and figure a, is quite very useful in illustrating that. Source: Sheth and Ram (1987) Figure a Because of technological advances, after the internet boom he realised he needed to adopt an approach in business which matches the changes in technology. The change in technology alters the business environment. This then means that threshold competencies and basic resources are redefined, he implication to Forejustin’s company is, whatever used to be basic necessities of successful trading is now redefined to fit the current robust and continually changing business environment. Group Little’s business environment is no longer just about having the right gadgets, it is also about close interaction with customers and widespread, effective marketing therefore Mr Passman had to approach service delivery differently. Competition for selling gadgets has intensified, with Incredible Connecti ons, Hi-Fi, Game and other gadgets stores exerting pressure, Group Little had to distinguish itself by going online. Understanding that service delivery is directly related to the customer’s psyche he found it fit to offer technological products in a technological platform such as the internet which sends a message to customers of technological proficiency. He also had to innovate since customer needs are frequently changing consequently he had to effectively address them. The weakness of his innovative approach Even though innovation is commendable and obtaining ideas from the international front is encouraged it is evident Forejustin Passman has failed to address the contextualization of this worldwide trend. His payment outlets for instance should have been modified to fit the traditional payment outlets other than just adopting the internationally proclaimed payment system PayPal. 2. 0 The enterprise 2. 1 Business strategy According to Meyer (2010) strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term. General enterprise strategy Emergent strategy is Group Little’s adopted strategy. Having considered the high turbulence in the industry he trades in Mr Passman decided to use this approach to guide his business. This strategy has been adopted since this industry is uncertainty and innovation based. It allows frequent feedback on the business environment which in turn permits reallocation of resources to address any information that is received about any changes in the business’ external environment. Operations strategy Figure b Source:ibbusinessandmanagement. com(2012) Using Michael Porter’s generic model figure b above, Forejustin has opted differentiation operational strategy. In this strategy unique attributes that are valued by customers and which are perceived to be better than the gadgets of the competition are intensively adopted by Group Little. This company has the following internal strengths to make this differentiation strategy successful; * Highly skilled and creative development team. * Strong sales team with the ability to successfully communicate the perceived strengths of the gadgets The risks linked with this strategy include imitation by competitors and changes in customer tastes. In addition, a range of firms pursuing focus strategies may be able to achieve even greater differentiation in their market segments. 2. 2 E-business As Group Little is a typical example of an e-business it is quite instructive to use the SWOT model to analyse the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats this organisation it has; Strengths Global reach to marketing. Since the web is an international platform Group Little’s marketing is not just limited to local media and advertising opportunities it spreads out to other regions. There is improved customer interaction. The customer and the enterprise meet in the comfort zone of the customer, therefore the customer can openly offer ideas, orders and even complaints all this will better Group Little’s service delivery. Weaknesses Security; customers are always concerned with the integrity of their payments, most shy away from revealing confidential bank information in the web, which costs Group Little significantly. The other weakness is the customer has no idea of the quality and physical condition of the gadgets; it is very common for discrepancies to exist between what sites advertise and the actual product. Opportunities New technologies surfacing could open up internet accessibility in Botswana which will be advantageous to Forejustin’s company since the critics’ argument pivots around this matter. Group Little also has prospects on cutting down local competition. As local competition has not adequately used the online trading space which can give Group Little an online competitive advantage if Forejustin Passman chooses to invest significantly to develop this area. Threats Fraud; given that there are some individuals that are out to deceive for financial gain are always Mr Passman’s concern, they may fake Group Little’s website and deceive the customers. Changes in law and regulation are always a threat. Regulatory authorities to protect customers from fraud they may place laws and regulations that will stifle Group Little’s competitiveness. 2. 3 Organisational culture This has been defined as, a system of shared actions, values and beliefs that develop within an organisation and guides the behaviour. This is as cited by Uhl-Bien et al. (2010). Forejustin Passman has directed Group Little culture, one of the shared values is the ‘no Sunday policy. ’ In this Forejustin has reflected his Christian beliefs and his philosophy of people before profit into the corporation’s culture. His belief in God prompts him to keep the Sabbath which to him is Sunday and his people before profits philosophy leads him to protect their wellbeing by giving them rest on Sunday. Any order placed on Sunday is attended on Monday by rejuvenated and more productive employees. This has its obvious disadvantages such as foregone sales but Mr Passman believes his policy is beneficial to all parties involved. When work is on between Monday to Saturday the team is relaxed and open, this as Forejustin says allows for conception of creative ideas. Any facet that stifles creativity is minimized be it the tangible such as tables or chairs or the intangible aspect like a mental attitude that stigmatizes mistakes. This culture solves two important issues external adaptation, which deals with reaching goals; how to reach those goals and if members have developed this freedom to make mistakes they can effectively guide their day-to-day activities. It also solves the issue of internal integration, members can easily merge and share ideas when mistakes are not stigmatized and this leads to greater productivity. . 4 Critical success factors of his business Branding Forejustin’s Group Little has to create a brand that appeals to the African technologically adept. Now as asserted by Perry (2009) a brand is more than just a corporate symbol it is an intangible asset that provokes emotional responses from individuals which presents a sustainable competitive advantage. This entrepreneur must position his company’s brand to be able to leverage from being one of Botswana’s few companies that are committed to successful internet trading. Little is known of Group Little but this is an incentive not a deterrent because the brand can be driven in any direction that Forejustin sees proper to execute his vision. Even though his company was registered with the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property in 2009, not long ago every product and or service he introduces must align to the strategy of the company; he has to monitor Group Little’s identity, as the perception portrayed to customers over these few years is the one that affords the company to leverage on the brand premium. Realising that the company’s brand was its critical success factor efforts to protect his brand symbol from infringement were undertook; he decided to copyright the brand symbol. Distribution Comprehending their need for effective systems, Group Little has rationalized their distribution systems to enhance performance of their products. As an attempt to enhance the logistics execution and capabilities Mr Passman decided to form a synergy with Botswana Couriers. This he decided to do in order to quicken delivery of the gadgets sold, in contrast to sending the orders via Botswana Post with their renowned incompetence he decided to solidify his distribution by having an exclusive agreement with Couriers. As Meyer (2010) asserts exclusive distributor agreements will constitute a major impediment to the distributors if the distributor wants to switch from the commitment. In this synergy Group Little is offered discounts because of the volume of gadgets it trades around the country and basic efficiency in the distribution of the products is greatly enhanced. Technology It seems obvious yet still noteworthy that Group Little has technology as their trading platform has to remain on vigilant and aware of new technology developments. Most gadgets they sell use mobile applications, applications are pieces of software that are designed to fulfil a particular purpose, for Group Little that purpose simply is to make easy access to its website’s content and increase sales, therefore Group Little is in the process of having their own application. The entrepreneur has looked at engaging a company named Bright labs which operates in Tlokweng for the development of Group Little’s very own mobile application this will enable those who have bought these gadgets to also download the application and then browse for more products from Mr Forejustin Passman’s Group Little. 2. 5 Conclusion Forejustin Passman’s Group Little’s performance has been average, but if he can put measures in place to direct its strategy the company will realise its potential to become a benchmark e-business in Botswana and even in Africa. He simply needs to re-assess who he is and what Group Little is, a point of focus (the target market to approach, how he is going to approach that market). In addition he is required to solidify his networks as this is one business competence he has ignored and it will ultimately cost him and his business from growing from being a small medium enterprise to being the envisioned benchmark multinational. Contextualisation of Group Little’s business model also can provide an impetus its success as well, Mr Passman shall consider adopting traditional transaction means in order not to inhibit his business from reaching every possible customer. Bibliography Books 1. Meyer, R, Wit, B, (2010), Strategy-process, content, context an international perspective, 4ed, Hampshire: Cengage learning EMEA 2. Perry, B, (2009), Enterprise operations, Oxford: Cima publishing 3. Uhl-Bien. M, Schermerhorn J. R. , Hunt . J G, Osborn R. N, (2010), Organisational behaviour, Hoboken: John Wiley amp; Sons 4. Kay. F, (2010), Successful networks, London: Kogan Page 5. Yves, L, Goz, G. H, (1998), Alliance Advantage-The art of creating value through partners, Boston: Harvard business School Press. 6. Sugars. B, (2012), Super Size your sales, the entrepreneur, August, p. 2 7. Bessant J, Tidd J,(2011), innovation and entrepreneurship, 2ed, Sussex: John Wiley and sons 8. Moon. R, Gee. S, (2012), Creating business opportunity, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan 9. Mullins L. J, (2010), management amp; organisational behaviour, 9ed, Essex: Prentice Hall Websites 10. Multiply (2012): Spontaneous idealist [online] Available from: http://mirau. multiply. com/jour nal/item/116/My-Personality-Type-Spontaneous ,[ accessed 14 December 2012] Appendix Personal reflection Studying real entrepreneurs and real companies always equips I as the student beyond lecture content. The study of this enterprise and Mr Forejustin Passman was a delight because I got to know interesting real aspects about business, I have learnt when in real business some academic theories will have to be set aside and suspended to deal with the challenges of real business. The more I researched I understood what differentiates successful entrepreneurs and unsuccessful entrepreneurs and that content I learnt were not part of the assignment requisite but I did learn This module lectures are also noteworthy, I figured this was a reiteration of Enterprise anagement I did in my second year, so lectures consisted of emphasis of year two material. Even though the material is more or less the same as of second year the assessment was interestingly structured, it was strategic rather than operational that seems like an obvious comment but this has really marked the difference in our approach. We were no longer just reporting facts, concepts and academic theories we had to apply and use our groomed understanding to critically analyse the business case.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Ottoman Empire Essay Example for Free

The Ottoman Empire Essay The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish Muslim empire that existed from the year 1299 to 1922, controlling must of Southeastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa at the height of its power during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.   The Empire expanded throughout its history under extremely brave leaders, while its adversaries were weak and disunited. The Ottoman army comprised numerous Christians.   And an important reason why the Ottomans were so successful was that they brought unity among Jews, Christians and Muslims – truly uniting them under the banner of â€Å"People of the Book† as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.    Hence, history informs us that the Jews, too, made significant contributions to Ottoman arts besides participating in the political life of the Ottoman Empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ottomans were masters at building architectural masterpieces.   In modern day Istanbul, evidence remains to reveal the glory of the Ottoman Empire.   The mosque built by Sulayman the Magnificent is one of the greatest contributions to architecture made by the Ottomans.   Then there are many other buildings to reveal the glory.   The Aqaba Castle in Jordan; the Ottoman fortress in Seddulbahir, Turkey; and the Qasr Ibrim in the middle Nile valley are just few other examples of grand Ottoman architecture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ottoman Turks also played an important role in the advancement of science.   Ali Kusco’s contributions to mathematics and astronomy were significant.   Moreover, the Ottomans played a central role in the progression of military technology and capability. In fact, Ottoman maritime arsenals and shipbuilding technology is especially offered as an example of their contributions to the world of technology.   Scholars describe the cannon of Mehmed II; the artillery trade of the Ottoman Empire; the Piri Reis innovation; and the attempts of flight, automatic machines, submarine, and rocket technology in Ottoman history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Scholars further assert that the Ottomans had a deep influence on Europe.   However, Europeans have been shy of describing this influence, given that the Ottomans had conquered many European lands through its superior military capability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Besides their scientific activities, and interest in architectural design, the Ottomans were deeply involved in the arts of paper marbling, calligraphy, gold ornamentation, miniature, and the making of music.   As a matter of fact, Ottoman music is as an art that was originally produced by the court and folk musicians in military, religious, classical and folk styles. This music has been used in all segments of society, from the Chinese borders to Morocco.   The Ottoman sultans were known to appreciate the music of multicultural artists.   Hence, Ottoman music does not undermine the contributions of the non-Ottoman or non-Muslim artists.   Rather, it presents itself with all of its influences as the most developed, refined, and elite branch of all the Turkish musical traditions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ottomans had built a very strong form of government, a model for the rest of the world.   Besides, the reign of Sulayman I saw the flowering of Turkish literature, art and architecture – a sign of great success by itself.   After Sulayman, however, the Ottoman Empire began to decay as the clergy and the Janissaries gained power to exercise a profound, corrupting influence.   In fact, corruption is one of the reasons why the Ottoman Empire fell after its rise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Following the reign of Sulayman I, the Ottoman Empire suffered a naval defeat at the hands of Europe’s John of Austria.   Murad IV in the seventeenth century restored some of the lost Turkish military prestige, nevertheless, by his victory over Persia.   Crete was conquered, and Vienna was surrounded.   The relief of Vienna by John III of Poland and the subsequent campaigns of Charles V of Lorraine, Louis of Baden, and Eugene of Savoy ended in negotiations in 1699, called the Treaty of Karlowitz.   This treaty cost Turkey – Hungary and other territories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Indeed, the Ottoman Empire had to break up because it was rather difficult for rulers following Sulayman to manage its vastness.   But the end of the Empire actually came when the Ottomans joined the Central Powers to form the Triple Alliance and enter World War I.   The reasons why the Ottomans had sided with Germany were threefold: Germany had pressured the Ottomans to side with it, offered them money and future control over the Russian territory, and also won clear victories during the early part of the War.   Thus, the Triple Entente or Allied Powers declared war on the Ottoman Empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Ottoman Empire’s decision to side with Germany eventually cost the Empire its life.   Although the Ottomans managed to win important victories in the early stages of the War, there were setbacks to boot.   In the final stages of the War the Ottomans took Azerbaijan, though they had to give it up at the end of the War.   Ottoman defeat came from a combination of attacks on strategic targets by British forces and the Arab Revolt of 1916-1918.   At this point of time, the Ottomans were facing difficulties on the home front as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Empire was finally partitioned in the aftermath of the War.   The Allied Powers required the Empire to submit to a total partition.   The Middle Eastern territories of the Empire were partitioned under the mandates of Britain and France, the Turkish Mediterranean was ceded to Italy, the Turkish Aegean coast was given over to Greece, and the Turkish straits and Sea of Marmara were ceded to the Allied Powers.